Headerbox section

Headerbox is a component designed for back-office headers. It can display:

  • Title
  • Additional info
  • Page controls

It has five slots:

  1. :title for the title
  2. :description for additional information
  3. :breadcrumbs for the breadcrumb navigation (visible only on wide screens)
  4. :controls for control buttons
  5. :tabbar for a set of tabs

If a slot is empty, no HTML elements are shown. The :title and :description slots are in the central block of the component. The :breadcrumbs slot is above it. On the right, there's a container for control buttons, which can be added via the :controls slot. Underneath, spanning the width of the component, is a container for a "tabs" set via the :tabbar slot.

Header image

Basic header section

<div class="p-6">
  <div class="flex w-full justify-between pb-6">
      <h1 class="text-bulma text-moon-20 font-medium">Custom events</h1>
      <p class="text-trunks text-moon-14">
        Manage your team members and their account permissions here.
    <div id="new-event-form">
        class="text-goten bg-piccolo text-moon-14 rounded-moon-s-sm group relative z-0 flex h-10 shrink-0 select-none items-center justify-center gap-2 overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap px-4 font-medium transition-all duration-200 active:scale-90"
        Create new
          class="transition-[background-color_0.2s_ease-in-out hover-supported:group-hover:bg-heles pointer-events-none absolute inset-0 z-[-1] block"


Utilizes a moon_live tabs component.

use MoonLive

<div class="bg-gohan rounded-moon-s-md ">
  <.tabs :let={tabs} id="segment-md" initial_tab={@initial_tab}>
    <.tabs_list {tabs} variant="segment" size="sm">
      <:tab rest={%{:"phx-click" => JS.patch("/")}}>Event list</:tab>
      <:tab rest={%{:"phx-click" => JS.patch("/compose_message")}}>
        Compose message
      <:tab rest={%{:"phx-click" => JS.patch("/category_management")}}>
        Category management